
Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Pumpkin Surprise!

Last Fall I purchased a cool looking pumpkin from the Lawrence Garden Club's plant sale/auction. It  was orange with dark green splattered along its bottom half, and had a bumpy texture all around it. I wanted  to save the seeds - but I'm a lazy seed saver so basically, I left it out all winter behind our garage. After the snow melted I discovered it had decomposed, and there were the seeds waiting for me to harvest! But, at least one was left behind, because a few weeks later this pumpkin plant began to grow, and grow, and grow......

It was covered with beautiful blossoms.  The blossoms fell and fruit began to form, but those pesky ground squirrels ate them! 

Luckily one survived and we're giving it much love and care in hopes of it becoming just as beautiful as its "mother."

Cycling 🚴‍♀️

Got back to cycling this year after a four year hiatus. Life became busy, and we put off riding, but kept up our walking schedule. It takes extra effort to gear up to ride, checking tire pressure, doing stretches to limber up, etc. Best time is early morning 9 - 9:30 am to beat the heat and traffic. We ride out 1/2 hour and back 1/2 hour usually covering 15 miles or so. This includes lots of hills on 44th Avenue and CR 215, along with 48th Avenue heading west, and the killer hill on the way back on 44th "Larry's hill" as we refer to it. It feels so good when we're done!

Peddling Partners

Bike Storage

Mode of transportation!

An added bonus this year includes passing a couple of Amish farms on 48th Avenue. One family was picking up hay bales using a steam engine tractor pulling a trailer. At the second farm we are greeted by 2 very young children, jumping and waving, saying "hi" as we pass. They're adorable!