I KNOW, I KNOW....more fabric is the last thing I need.....but these remnants were just what I was looking for to practice making more pillow cases "Burrito Style." It all began at the ASG's (American Sewing Guild, Southwest MI chapter) August meeting. We were asked to make pillow cases destined for local hospitals. They had kits all cut and ready to sew with the burrito style directions included. I completed 3 kits and I was HOOKED! What a fun project---quick and easy! Since then I began teaching our students to sew them too. I love sharing their excitement when they complete their very own pillowcase. So, I'd love to pass along a "how to" with encouragement to try one yourself! Watch out....you may not want to stop either.......
First, choose your fabrics. One piece for the main body 25" X LOF (length of fabric usually 44"/45") and one piece for the band 10" X LOF. I chose these prints: "Doughwa" (as I've heard it pronounced) and a matching cherry print.
Pin fabrics right sides together along the LOF edge. Just use a few pins to keep in place because you will be re-pinning this length again.
Next, starting with the unpinned LOF edge begin rolling toward the pinned edge. THIS IS THE BURRITO PART! Roll it, roll it....
Until you reach approx 2" away from the pinned edge.
Pull the band fabric up around the rolled edge to the pinned edge. Hold the three pieces of fabric together and re-pin along the edge. This is when you may need to use more pins to hold the edges together and keep the rolled fabric away from the seam to be sewed.
When you are finished pinning, it should look like this:
Sew 1/2" seam along the pinned edge. Don't worry this comes out right and it's r-e-a-l-l-y cool!
I use a serger, because it makes a great finished edge, but a regular sewn seam works good too.
Now another fun part.....pull the body fabric out of the band fabric.
It's magic! A neatly hidden seam! At this point I usually iron/press the band so its easier to sew the last 2 seams.
Yup! All that's left is the last two seams. With right sides together, sew the long seam first starting at the band. Next, sew the bottom seam closed beginning at the sewed seam edge and ending at the folded edge.
Turn the pillow right side out, press if desired. And, you're done.
I'm going to look forward to reading more of your entries,Ger!